As someone who is not always comfortable in changing with the times I was very leary of the internet as a whole. But, as a business owner I was constantly being told if I did not have a website I was never going to be able to compete with my competition. I was told the quickest and easiest way to do get a website was to search online for a web hosting company. Much to my surprise I had the option to search through about 5 million of them. There were free web hosting companies, and cheap web hosting companies, and regular old web hosting companies.
I became quite overwhelmed and very frustrated very quickly when trying to compare several different companies and trying to write down all the ones that offered similar things and all of the things that were different. Keep in mind I didn’t even know what they were referring to when they were offering me such things as free domain names?, unlimited transfers?, or sitebuilders?. And once they got into all of the “package options” that included more domain names, dedicated IP’s ???, Ecommerce ready products, and shopping carts???? AAARRRGGG!!! NOW, at least I did know what a shopping cart was!!! I am a woman and I do love to shop. Oh…but wait…they weren’t referring to what I thought they were, DANG!
But alas, in my search I found some companies that have areas on their sites that explain most of these things and how they work. They will even compare web hosting companies for me AND write reviews of different web host companies so I can know ahead of time if the company I am choosing to do business with will be a wise choice. I am kind of an old fuddy duddy about wanting to do business with people I know and trust so finding a company on the internet was way out of my comfort zone.
I also learned that there is no very best web hosting company. Hmmm. Well, there is a best web hosting company for me and my company but with so many different people out there with so many different needs the very best for me is not necessarily the best company for you. BUT…these web hosting review companies are sure to help you find out what will work best for you.
Happy searching! Hope this helps!
Which Web Host Company Is The Best?