Pay per click(PPC) programs are a way of advertising online. These programs are designed for people wishing to draw people to their ad and increase website traffic through searches. Online advertising services or search engines don’t charge you until someone clicks on your ad to go to your website. Because the ad for your website is only shown in places where people are searching for a specific product you are more likely to get potential customers. Typically when participating in pay per click advertising you get to decide how much you are willing to pay per click.
All of the major search engines participate in pay per click advertising programs such as; Google, MSN, and Yahoo! By placing the ad for your website with these major search engines you will be opening up your advertising to the millions of people who use these methods to search for products and services everyday. You will agree on certain “key words” that are associated with your website then when anyone uses that search engine to search for your keywords your ad will show up along the top, bottom, or sides.
Naturally, the more you are willing to pay per click the higher priority these companies will place on your ad. When agreeing to participate in pay per click, you pay a small start-up fee, then you set the price you are willing to pay per click. Most search engines start bids at about 5 or 10 cents per click. The higher your bid the better your ad will rank and may show up more frequently or higher up in the search results. This puts you control of your online advertising budget as well as how well your ad will rank.
Overall pay per click advertising can be very beneficial and work really well. Stay tuned for a follow up post about the cons of pay per click programs.
Pay Per Click Programs