I recently had the opportunity to review a web hosting company called LunarPages.com. While researching their history I found they have such a dedication to the education of our children across the nation that they offer free web hosting to any public school K-12 in America. My hat is off to this company for continuing to stay focused on the whole big picture all the while remaining to stay competitive by providing web hosting packages with a ton of features for a very cheap price. I am not an employee of Lunar Pages or trying to toot their horn. But I am here willing to mention their contribution to the education of our children. If you are looking for a web hosting company it may be worth your while to compare lunarpages.com to others. I realize giving away free stuff can sometimes be a marketing ploy but I did not find this on their homepage, I had to dig for it. And even then it was far down on a page. This page did also mention that they have been in business under the same ownership since 2000 and service over 150,000 customers so I don’t think they were looking for any kind of publicity for their brief mention of their dedication to education.
LunarPages Review