In a previous post we compared BlueHost vs. HostMonster in a side by side comparison. Since then BlueHost offered to do a special discount pricing promotion for our readers of just $3.95 (as stated in previous post). Now, HostMonster has agreed to match that price for our readers. Details on both web hosting companies are available in our earlier posts. If you would like more details on HostMonster web hosting features, or if you would like to participate in their special pricing promo click here. If you go directly to the site we cannot guarantee you will get the same pricing.
Now is the best time to take advantage of this HostMonster pricing. I never would have believed that web hosting could become so affordable. You can have your own website for a monthly fee of about what you can spend on one cup of coffee these days. Incredible! And not only that but, we have come sooooo far not only in the quality of features offered in each hosting package but also the amazing number of features available (and many of them unlimited or free).