If you are looking for free web hosting you have probably found that there are hundreds of free web host providers out there. But are they all created equal? Definitely not! Some things to look for in free web hosting include, what type of files can you upload, how much bandwidth can you use, how much disk space is available? You may also want to find out if you can use ftp, what type of web page editor the host provides, how many email accounts you can have, and if any customer support is provided.
In our free web hosting review today we are going to review AwardSpace. In our AwardSpace review we found that, AwardSpace has been offering this free php web hosting service since 2005. Let’s take a look at the features offered with this free web hosting plan:
- 200 MB Disk Space
- 5 GB Traffic
- Host 2 Domains
- 5 Subdomains
- PHP 4/5
- Perl/CGI-BIN
- 1 MySQL databases
- FTP Access
- 5 Email Accounts
- Webmail
- POP3
In our review and web hosting comparisons of other free web host providers, this is an excellent free web hosting plan. 200 MB of disk space will give you plenty of space to upload and store your files. This is an excellent starter plan to get a site up and see how it looks and how much traffic you can get. If you find that you are having a lot of success and would like to add more bandwidth or disk space or a few additional features, their Basic hosting plan is only $3.49/mo.
AwardSpace offers a lot of additional services as well, like VPS hosting, domain registration, SSL certificates, reseller hosting, and a web hosting affiliate program. Choosing to host with a free web host provider that offers so many other options and services is a great idea. Once you have outgrown the free plan, switching to another plan or adding additional services from the same provider will be much easier than transferring a domain and moving everything to a new host. Use our special link below for the best deals from AwardSpace.