Best Free Web Space is happy to recommend because of the top free hosting servers they use. Many free web hosting service providers are simply resellers for another company. They don’t have control over the servers the accounts are on and often don’t know anything about them. Choosing a free hosting service is not easy, there are many out there and it is hard to determine which providers are reliable and can provide a dependable web hosting service. In our Host-ed.Net review we will tell a little about the company and the web hosting services they offer. In this article we will learn more about why Best Free Web Space is awarding them with this Top Free Hosting Server award.

Host-ed.Net provides several web hosting solutions for customers to choose from. Starting with a free web hosting plan will provide limited web space and disk space, as well as limited features, but allows a webmaster to build his website without paying for the web hosting. The free hosting plan from Host-ed.Net comes with 1000 MB of disk space and 10 GB monthly data transfer. Each account allows for 3 hosted domains and 1 FTP account. The advanced control panel and file manager make it easy for the webmaster to manage a website and make changes to the web hosting account. Free web hosting accouts enjoy many of the same features of the paid web hosting acounts because of the security of the free hosting servers used by Host-ed.Net. SSL installation, firewall protection, and UPS (uninterruptible power source) with a diesel generator backs up the entire datacenter. Just because you are using a free web hosting account doesn’t mean you have to settle for a sub par web hosting environment.
Visit the Host-ed.Net website to find the best web hosting plan to meet your needs. Understanding all of the web hosting options that are available will ensure that you always have the tools and features you need, even as your website grows and changes over time. A free web hosting service is not likely to be able to support your website long term, so konwing what other options are available ensures that you will not have to switch providers down the line. If you are already with another provider and are interested in switching to Host-ed.Net they provide free site migration and transfer scripts, files, databases, and even the domain name for you, for free! The free web hosting plan provides support via online documentation and an integrated ticket system. No matter which account you have or when you need help, Host-ed.Net is always available to help and answer questions.
Read some web hosting reviews and chat live with the sales team to determine which web hosting plan is the best for meeting your individual web hosting needs. After a thorough review of the web hosting service provided by Host-ed.Net, the Best Free Web Space team if happy to recommend them as a top free hosting service. Not only do they have some of the best web hosting servers but they also offer all the top web hosting tools and features to support the service. Visit Host-ed.Net today to see if this is the best free web hosting for you.